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Spring School: 02.-05. April 2024
Modern Aspects of Analysis on Lie Groups
In this Spring School, we are seeking to bring together early and advanced doctoral students as well as postdocs with experts in the analysis on nilpotent Lie groups. The theme of this Spring School is Modern Aspects of Analysis on Lie Groups. In particular, the (proposed) topics of the advanced courses of the spring school are: The Spring School is organized by the research group Analysis of PDEs under the umbrella of the DFG funded Research Training Group RTG 2491 Fourier Analysis and Spectral Theory. (Research program)

The lecture notes for the advanced courses and the contributed lectures can be found here.

This spring school is a follow-up to the Summer School Singular Integrals on Nilpotent Lie Groups and Related Topics which took place September 2022.

Advanced Courses

Sitzungszimmer Mathematisches Institut

Introductory Course

The introductory course on graded nilpotent Lie groups will be given by Christian Jäh. The plan is to give some background knowledge to people who might not have actively worked in the area. Participants with active working knowledge may skip the course.

Traveling and Accommodation

  • Nearest airports:
    Frankfurt Main International, Hanover
  • Göttingen is well connected via fast train to any major city in Germany. The travel time from Frankfurt is about 2h and from Hanover about 1h. Travel to Munich and Berlin is also very reasonable.


Please contact us via springschool24@uni-goettingen.de.


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