Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics, working in the theory partial differential equations, microlocal analysis, and harmonic analysis and am an associated postdoc in the RTG 2491 - Fourier Analysis and Spectral Theory.
I got my PhD under the supervision of professors Michael Reissig (TU BA Freiberg) and Daniele Del Santo (U Trieste) working on uniqueness and conditional stability for backward-parabolic operators, in particular proving some Carleman-type estimates. (See these excelent notes on the topic for an introduction from Nicloas Lerner (or the book version).)
- WS2020/21: Vertretungsprofessor Analysis in den Naturwissenschaften at Univeristät Rostock, Germany
- 2018-today: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) at Georg-August Univeristät Göttingen, Germany (BEURLAUBT ab Oktober 2020)
- 2015-2018: Research Associate and University Teacher (Postdoc) at Loughborough University, UK.
- 2011: Scholarship holder Landesgraduiertenstipendium Sachsen. (PhD student)
- 2005-2010: Study of Applied Mathematics at TU Bergamademie Freiberg.
Diplomathesis: Uniqueness and Non-uniqueness in the Cauchy Problem for Elliptic and Backward-Parabolic Operators (Mark: 1.0)
Academic Visits
- 2013: Visiting Scholar (6 mo.) at University of Texas Pan American (now University of Texas Rio Grande Valey)
- 2013-2015: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (PhD student & TA) at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
- 2012: Visiting Scholar (4 mo.) at Università degli studi di Trieste
- 2012: Visiting Scholar (6 mo.) at University of Texas Pan American (now Rio Grande Valey)
- 2011-2013: Scholarship holder Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. (PhD student)
- 2011: ERASMUS Trainee at Università degli studi di Trieste, Italy.
- 2009: ERASMUS Semester Abroad at Università degli studi di Trieste, Italy.
My research there was published in a Springer Proceedings.
This was part of my Diploma Thesis.